What is the foundation of our law ?
King Alfred, who reigned during the 9th century, employed his learned scribe Asser, a Welsh monk form Menevia, to translate the Molmutine Laws form the Keltic tongue into Latin, in order that he might incorporate them into his
own Anglo-Saxon Code. Afterwards King Alfred rewarded Asser, in appreciation for his work, and made him Abbot of Amesbury and Bishop of Sherborne.
King Molmutius, who reigned for 40 years in the 4th century B.C. has been regarded as the lawgiver of Britain.
Please take a good look at the following and note how appropriate and applicable most of the Molmutine Law is to today.
- There are three test of civil Liberty:
- equality of rights
- equality of taxation
- freedom to come and go
- There are three causes which ruin a State:
- inordinate privileges
- corruption of Justice
- national apathy
- There are three things which cannot be solid longer than their foundations are solid:
- peace
- property
- Law
- Three things indispensable to a true union of nations:
- sameness of Laws
- rights
- language
- There are three things free for all Britons:
- the forest
- the unworked mine
- the right of hunting wild creatures
- There are three things that require the unanimous vote of the nation to effect:
- deposition of the Sovereign
- introduction of novelties in religion
- suspension of Law
- There are three civil birthrights of every Briton:
- the right to go wherever he pleases
- the right, wherever he is to protection for his land and from the Sovereign
- the right of equal privileges and equal restrictions
- There are three property birthrights for every Briton:
- five (British) acres of land for a home
- the right of armorial bearings
- the right of suffrage in the enacting of the Laws, the male at twenty-one, the female on marriage.
- There are three guarantees of Society:
- security for life and limb
- security of property
- security of the rights of Nature
- There are three things the safety of which depends on that of the others:
- the sovereignty
- national courage
- just administration of the Laws
- There are three things which every Briton may legally be compelled to attend:
- the worship of God
- military service
- and the Courts of Law
- There are three things free to every Briton or foreigner:
- water from spring or well
- firing from a decayed tree
- a block of stone not in use
- There are three orders who are exempt from bearing arms:
- the bard
- the judge
- the graduate in Law or religion. These represent God and His Peace, and no weapons must ever be found in their hand.
- There are three whose power is kingly in Law:
- the Sovereign paramount over all Britain and its Isles
- the Princes palatine in their princedoms
- the Heads of the Clans in their Clans
- There are three sacred things by which the conscience binds itself to Truth:
- the name of God
- the rod of him who offers up Prayers to God
- the joined right hand
- There are three persons who have the right to public maintenance:
- the old
- the babe
- the foreigner who cannot speak the British tongue
It was on the authority of the great legal writers Fortescue and Coke, that the Molmutine Laws have been always regarded as the foundation and bulwark of British liberties, and have remained from this time the common unwritten or native
laws of the Island, as distinguished from the Roman, the canon and other codes of foreign introduction.